
Driving the shift towards sustainable transportation: How Malaysia is embracing green mobility solutions

Published 22 July 2024

Malaysia, with one of the highest car ownership rates in Asia from 2015 to 2020, saw transport becoming the second-largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. 

Recognising the urgency to address these environmental risks, the country has taken bold steps to implement green mobility solutions, particularly through substantial investments in the electric vehicle (EV) sector. 

Over the past five years, the Malaysian Investment Development Authority approved 59 projects related to the EV ecosystem, worth RM26.2 billion, focusing on vehicle assembly, manufacturing parts, and charging components. 

This significant investment is paying off. In 2022 alone, EV sales surged to 11,642 units from just 3,079 the previous year. By mid-2023, Malaysia envisioned a burgeoning EV ecosystem, bolstered by the nation's expertise in electronic component manufacturing and development of EV battery technology. 

This promising growth has attracted foreign businesses, with Tesla establishing its regional headquarters in Kuala Lumpur, signalling robust support from the Malaysian government for foreign EV enterprises. 

Such moves are spurring inbound investments, creating a competitive market, and facilitating industrial knowledge transfer, crucial for building national infrastructure that aligns with the substantial adoption of EVs. 

Mapping the road ahead
To accelerate its journey towards net zero emissions, the Malaysian government released the National Energy Transition Roadmap (NETR) 2023, which includes a comprehensive vision for a low-carbon transportation system. 

The roadmap aims for 80% EV adoption and 90% locally manufactured EVs, coupled with significant improvements in fuel efficiency by 2050. Public and private partnerships are essential for this vision, fostering dynamic research environments and innovative long-term solutions. 

The Government is committed to enhancing policies and working closely with businesses to facilitate their involvement in the green mobility landscape. This collaborative spirit is exemplified by Gentari’s initiatives. 

Since our establishment in 2022, Gentari has proudly contributed to Malaysia’s sustainable transportation and green mobility goals. 

As the leading charging point (CP) operator and a licensed CP operator, we have expanded the charging infrastructure network across all regions, ensuring seamless connectivity over distances exceeding 100 km. Our commitment aligns with the nation’s ambitions, positioning us among the key players in supporting the NETR 2023. 

By integrating smart technology and automation, Gentari is here and ready to put forth the #NextStep with our customers and partners in Malaysia and the region, driving the transition towards a cleaner, more sustainable transportation future. 

Driven by the mission to change how we live today and help secure our future, we are dedicated to turning clean energy into action and enhancing EV efficiency. Such efforts have been a testament to Gentari’s significant contribution to Malaysia’s green mobility objectives. 

Early performance results have been encouraging, highlighting the importance of private sector engagement in achieving national decarbonisation goals. To ensure consumer adoption and create a substantial impact on green mobility, the Malaysian government has introduced incentives to boost EV uptake in the domestic market. 

Notably, tax exemptions for Completely Knocked Down (CKD) EVs and individual tax incentives for EV buyers have significantly lowered ownership costs, making EVs more affordable. 

Since early 2022, EV component manufacturers and companies offering EVs as a service, such as Gentari’s Vehicle-as-a-Service, have also benefited from tax exemptions on imports, excise and sales. These measures aim to attract more EV producers to establish their hubs and develop the domestic EV assembly industry. 

Moving forward
With these policies in place, Malaysia is demonstrating its commitment to green mobility and establishing national standards for sustainable urban transport development. The country is poised to integrate smart technology and automation, enhancing EV efficiency with upgraded facilities supporting the green system. 

Anchored by the NETR 2023, Malaysia is set to achieve its ambitious goal of cultivating a sustainable transportation ecosystem leading to a future of net zero emissions and positioning the nation as a regional hub for EV manufacturing, assembly and exports.

With the current innovative initiatives, Malaysia is setting an example for other nations striving towards a low-carbon future.

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